Entries from 2018-01-01 to 1 year

Ask Me Anything: 10 Answers to Your Questions About paintball gear

Michael Podwill/June 10, 2010 They're coming out of the woodwork now, the Daring and heartened denigrators of Israel. We see it and hear it from all corners; some are predictable and anticipated, Other people are shocking — Despite the fac…

Airsoft war is seen as being really close to tactical videogames such as the popular Counter-Strike or Call of Duty where teams compete keenly against each other within an range of settings including Capture the Flag and bombing scenes.

The reason for that is that players must wear the correct protection at all times and must adjust their paint markers so that the paintball will not cause serious pain on impact. There's always that choice of "dropping" a number of grenade…

15 People You Oughta Know in the paintball mask Industry

When talking approximately the price effectiveness of Airsoft, it must naturally be in comparison to Paintball. This graph operates uner the assumption of Airsoft costing $10 for 5,000, and Paintball costing $30 for 2,000. In Airsoft, the …